Tuesday, December 15, 2009

First Paragraph- Super Size Me

Andrew sat at the ketchup stained table in the local burger joint. He eyed his nearly 1 lb. slab of hamburger with complete satisfaction; knowing the mere sight of the decadent treat would send his overbearing health nut of a wife through the roof. He really couldn’t stand his bride of nearly 8 years. Their marriage was a sham from the very beginning, but he was just too weak of a person then to do anything about it. They were different in every way and those differences grew even larger with every shallow anniversary that passed. To the outside world they must have looked like June and Ward Cleaver, but the veneer of their marriage was razor thin and ready to crumble at any time. Andrew (by the way, he actually liked to be called Andy but his wife forbade this moniker) would never be good enough for his Barbie Doll wife whose only real need for plastic surgery would be to have the silver spoon removed from her mouth. With each defiant bite Andrew grew angrier and angrier with his wife and was even more convinced that what he was about to do was not only justified, but completely right. His focus on revenge was momentary derailed by a disabled man guiding his wheelchair into the table next to him. An entirely empty restaurant and this guy had to sit right next to him. Some people think they are entitled to the world just because they are handicapped. Andrew regained his focus and resolve, pulled out his pen and wrote something on a piece of scrap paper. He slid the paper into an pre-addressed envelope knowing full well the six words contained inside would send the wretched family into the hell they all deserved.

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