Monday, October 12, 2009

The Enema Opus

I’ve been struggling to figure out what to write. I’m hoping this isn’t writer’s block since I’ve only had a handful of posts. That would be very sad if my creative reservoir is drained already. In like a lion and out like a lamb. Maybe I’m missing a muse. Everyone needs an inspiration and perhaps mine has just gone on vacation for a while. But I’m intent on posting something this morning and I’ll keeping putting letters and words together until they become sentences and paragraphs on the screen. Consider this an ambling through the woods. No particular destination in mind, I just need the exercise.

The problem I’m continuing to find is that my mind doesn’t work in sentences and paragraphs. I work in lists. My 10 favorite movies really aren’t a very creative or interesting blog though (in case you are interested they are Braveheart, Shawshank Redemption, Caddie Shack, On Golden Pond, Rudy, Goodfellas, Rocky, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and Bull Durham).

My mind is working in blurts. No cohesive thoughts, just a random mess of words and phrases thrown onto the screen. My keyboard has turrets syndrome. 31 Flavors, Green, The Woodpecker, Magic 8 Ball, Dunder Mifflin, Bagels, Burritos, Tea (one-bag only), Lance the butler, the candy train, Mexico, “No, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night”, Tabosu, and of course No Wax. Try and make some sense of that.

I wish there was a City of Life. It would be a place where all of the dreams you have when you say “In another life” would come true. I’ve actually Googled City of Life, Town of Life, Corporation of Life, Life City, and Life town. Other than a Christian Church in Missouri named City of Life, none of these places exist (naturally). I think I’d feel better if there was some place on earth that I could actually go named Life. If someone could find it for me I’d be eternally grateful.

I’m working in lists again…my 10 favorite ice cream flavors. Gold Medal Ribbon, Rainbow Sherbet, Mint Chocolate Chip, Lemon Ice, Cookie Dough, Tutti Frutti, Bubble Gum, Vanilla, and Cookies & Cream. I don’t understand Mocha, Jamoca, or Coffee flavored ice creams. I’d love spumoni if it wasn’t for the damned pistachios. Sugar Cone, never cup. Chocolate sauce and Caramel on Mint Chocolate Chip. Vanilla on any sort of pie. Rainbow Sherbet, Tutti Frutti, Lemon Ice, and Bubble Gum because it makes you feel like a kid again. Cookie Dough just because it’s good. Gold Medal Ribbon because of the caramel. And Cookies & Cream makes the best shakes.

Turrets again…Pooh and the honey, floor wipers, a dollar bill, blinking red lights, and It’s All in My Head.

Pizza, Hamburgers, Swedish Fish, Pie, French Fries, Mashed Potatoes, Pasta, Oatmeal Raisin Cookies, Bacon, and French Toast. 10 foods I couldn’t live without, for those who are playing at home.

I’ve left a trail of bread crumbs to find my way home and the surroundings are starting to look familiar again. It’s not the City of Life, and I’m not sure my keyboard has regained control over the words, but I’m hoping to return to sentences and paragraphs in the very near future. Sometimes the brain just needs a high colonic to clean itself out.

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